
oracle 8 linux. rtpengine 11.2 with uek kernel

There are some specific TIPS for ORACLE linux 8 and UEK core for compiling\installing rtpengine.

for test vanilla server i will use oracle 8 linux:
take ISO from: https://yum.oracle.com/oracle-linux-isos.html
set http repository: http://yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL8/baseos/latest/x86_64


git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/centos8-rtpengine10-all-codecs.git
cd centos8-rtpengine10-all-codecs
#use precompiled pkgs from RPMS/el8/ and RPMS/el8/11 dirs 
dnf -y install epel-release 
dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol8_codeready_builder 
dnf -y install --nogpgcheck https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-8.noarch.rpm 
dnf install kernel-uek-devel 
cd RPMS/el8 
dnf localinstall ffmpeg-libs-4.2.7-1.el8.x86_64.rpm libavdevice-4.2.7-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 
cd 11 
dnf localinstall ngcp-rtpengine- ngcp-rtpengine-kernel- ngcp-rtpengine-dkms-

We will using UEK 5.4.17. check “uname -a” maybe you already have 5.4.17 kernel, if not:

dnf config-manager --disable ol8_UEKR7
dnf config-manager --enable ol8_UEKR6 
dnf install kernel-uek kernel-uek-devel


Issue “Key was rejected by service” may happens if you have enabled “Secure boot”.
To check it: run “mokutils –sb-state”. In enabled state you have to sign your rtpengine module for kernel. To add your key do this:
mokutil –import /var/lib/dkms/mok.pub
enter password you wish, and after reboot you see in BOIS invitation to enroll your keys. do it with password you have entered before and then xt_rtpengine module will be loaded correctly.


If you have installed UEK 5.15+ then you have to update you GCC compiler to 11+ or you will have error when compiling kernel module for rtpengine: you are using 11.5 GCC for compiling kernel and 8.5 for compiling xt_rtpengine.

modprobe: FATAL: Module xt_RTPENGINE not found in directory
Extension RTPENGINE revision 0 not supported, missing kernel module?

dkms (kernel) module xt_RTPENGINE not compiled at all.
in common cases you have to install kernel-uek-devel-<version>, where version is “uname -r”



There main concept here: https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine/wiki/Redis-keyspace-notifications

but few important thing to check:
1. Redis have disabled keyspace notification to enable change to notify-keyspace-events “AKE” in redis.conf
2. interface names should start exactly from “pub”
3. If you have not active interface IP on passive (pub2) rtpengine you have to set sysctl net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1


Rtpengine. Opus. Ilbc.

I am using ilbc to make calls with mobile applications. As we know ilbc is old codec, all tests,table and pictures all over the net make us feel as ilbc most worse then opus. because opus is faster, more quality e.t.c.

Seems… my opinion is different, if you want good quality and minimum bandwidth out of box then use ilbc – it’s not problem, it will have 23kb bandwidth for one side. Audio bandwidth up to 4kHz so voice will be good enough for conversation. But there is no way to reduce bitrate and bandwidth with ilbc, so let’s try to implement opus.

also, converting 48kHz(sample rate) files with libopus is slowest then with ilbc in most of cases. Be noted that you can not use opus with 8kHz(sample rate) in default configuration by rtpengine only 48kHz is supported.

Components used for testing:

  • centos 7: iftop, tcpdump
  • custom ffmpeg 4.2.7,
  • opus 1.3.2,
  • opus-tools: opusenc, opusrtp
  • rtpengine,
  • microsip 3,
  • sipp 3.6.
  • clumsy ( simulate bad network on windows)

I will start from end, maybe it will be helpful for someone. What was my aim, i wanted to use packet loss, fec, speech mode, low bandwidth from opus codec.
* low bandwidth with 8kb\s bitrate (13kb\s actual) and 40ms frame duration.
* packet_loss (no way to understand if it really works, real test does not show that it helps)
* fec, ( same as packet loss)
* speech mode, (take more cpu resources when encoding without real result)

How to add opus support into rtpengine.

For encoding\decoding opus rtpeginge using ffmpeg library. so you have to be sure that libopus is present with ffmpeg. you can do that with: “ffmpeg -h encoder=libopus” if you don’t see: “Codec ‘libopus’ is not recognized by FFmpeg.” then seems ffmpeg have opus with libopus encoder\decoder.

How to set parameters for opus codec:

when you do rtpengine_offer use this: as one of params:
where is :
48000 – sample rate in SDP
2 – channels (default for opus)
8000 (b\s) – bitrate for codec implement on encoder side
40 (ms) – frame duration (should affect on encoder side, but you have a=ptime 20 in SDP, codec will work on 20 ms)
“maxaveragebitrate–8000;maxplaybackrate–12000;useinbandfec–1;ptime–40;maxptime–40” there are a=fmtp parameters into SDP, you can check what it means in RFC.
“ar–48000,b–8000” – codec individual options you can take a look ffmpeg docs to check what you can use. For some reason individual options for opus codec like packet_loss can not be set by this logic, you have to set it inside codeclib.c in rtpengine source code . for example “

if (enc->ptime > 0 ) {
            codeclib_set_av_opt_int(enc, "frame_duration", enc->ptime);
            codeclib_set_av_opt_int(enc, "packet_loss", 5);
            codeclib_set_av_opt_int(enc, "fec", 1);
            codeclib_set_av_opt_int(enc, "application", 2048);

issues: when you set 40 ms frame_duration for opus and you have not any a=ptime 40 in SDP towards to destination peer, peer will not send stream with 40 ms frame_duration, maybe there is a bug into Microsip. Using ptime and maxptime into codec options – not helps.
so, to avoid this i did add ptime=40 as rtpengine_offer parameter and add little fix to codeclib.c to make 40ms default ptime for opus codec.

How to check speed of converting with libopus

you need any music input file, for example any.wav. then you may try to use
ffmpeg -i madonna-48k.wav -c libopus -ab 18000 madonna.opus
it will convert wav file to opus with bitrate 18k\s
as result you will see some data ended with
size= 82kB time=00:00:39.83 bitrate= 16.8kbits/s speed= 136x
also you can convert it with libilbc encoder:
ffmpeg -i madonna-48k.wav -c libilbc -ar 8000 -ab 18000 madonna.lbc
you will see:
size= 74kB time=00:00:39.84 bitrate= 15.2kbits/s speed= 170x

to be continued….


Oracle Centos 8. Rtpengine with all codecs supported.

As result of this instruction you will have all this codecs supported in your centos 8 installations.

                PCMA: fully supported
                PCMU: fully supported
                G723: fully supported
                G722: fully supported
                G729: fully supported
               G729a: fully supported
               speex: fully supported
                 GSM: fully supported
                iLBC: fully supported
                opus: fully supported
                 AMR: fully supported
              AMR-WB: fully supported
     telephone-event: fully supported
                  CN: fully supported


RPMS, build and install scripts: git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/centos8-rtpengine10-all-codecs.git

This instruction will give you RTPENGINE for Centos 7 and Centos 8 withh all codecs. RPM packages in RPMS dir are ready for install. But also you have rpmbuild-rtpengine.el7 and rpmbuild-rtpengine.el8 to compile it on your system in automatically way.

if you start to compiling on new system, then everything should go fine after you type sh rpmbuild-rtpengine.el7.

IF you work on production system , then check files you are running before start due to you may to install unnecessary packets or kernels. 

To build rtpengine with all codecs (g729,AMR,opus,iLBC, GSM) on Centos 8:

cd ~
git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/centos8-rtpengine10-all-codecs.git
sh rpmbuild-rtpengine.el8
cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
dnf install noarch/ngcp-rtpengine-dkms- x86_64/ngcp-rtpengine-kernel- x86_64/ngcp-rtpengine-

Your RPMs ready for install in ~/root/rpmbuild/RPMS

To install rtpengine without build 10.5 run “sh install-rtpengine.el7”


Talant Blogs about VOIP

Alexey Kazantsev Blog

Igor Olhovsky


kamailio rtpengine media timeout TIPs

  1. timeout will be raised only if both sides of rtp is silent
  2. you have to enable tcp at kamailio config (disable_tcp=no)
  3. you must have in kamailio cfg: listen=tcp:, loadmodule “xmlrpc.so”, and additional params:
loadmodule "xmlrpc.so"
modparam("xmlrpc", "route", "XMLRPCS")
modparam("xmlrpc", "url_skip", "^/sip")
modparam("xmlrpc", "url_match", "^/RPC2")

4. you have to add route XMLRPC:

route[XMLRPCS] {
  xlog("L_ALERT","RPC recieved");

5. config rtpengine should have:

 b2b-url =
 xmlrpc-format = 2

6. after restart kamailio and rtpengine you may to check you may do command from command line:


output should be like that:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value><string>Invalid XML-RPC Document</string></value>


RTPENGINE + G729 DEBIAN 10.10 and Debian 11

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r)


mkdir /opt/rtpengine

cd /opt/rtpengine

apt install -qqy git curl mariadb-server libmosquitto-dev libwebsockets-dev python3-websockets apt-utils devscripts dpkg-dev debhelper iptables iptables-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libglib2.0-dev libavcodec-extra libhiredis-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev markdown zlib1g-dev module-assistant dkms gettext default-libmysqlclient-dev gperf libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libbencode-perl libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libdigest-crc-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libevent-dev libio-multiplex-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libjson-glib-dev libnet-interface-perl libpcap0.8-dev libsocket6-perl libswresample-dev libsystemd-dev nfs-common netcat-openbsd netcat unzip libconfig-tiny-perl libspandsp-dev**

git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine.git .
cp etc/rtpengine.sample.conf /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf


curl https://codeload.github.com/BelledonneCommunications/bcg729/tar.gz/$VER >bcg729_$VER.orig.tar.gz

tar zxf bcg729_$VER.orig.tar.gz

cd bcg729-$VER

git clone https://github.com/ossobv/bcg729-deb.git debian

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -sa

cd ../

dpkg -i libbcg729-*.deb

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

apt-get update -qqy

mkdir -p ./debian/flavors

touch ./debian/flavors/no_ngcp


dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

dpkg -i ../*.deb

**manual edit: /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf: set your IPs.

If you want to add webrtc2sip feature use next lines

certbot certonly -d webrtc.domain.com

**manual edit: kamailiorc: uncomment db engine string

kamdbctl create kamailio 

download template kamailio.cfg, tls.cfg and kamailio_local.cfg 

(git clone https://bitbucket.org/erewin/webrtc2sip-template.git)

systemctl start rtpengine
systemctl start kamailio

To make the same on Debian 11

apt update
apt upgrade

#here you have reboot

mkdir /opt/rtpengine

cd /opt/rtpengine

apt-get install git curl -y

apt-get install libmosquitto-dev libwebsockets-dev python3-websockets apt-utils dpkg-dev debhelper iptables libxtables-dev libip6tc-dev libip4tc-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libglib2.0-dev libavcodec-extra libhiredis-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev markdown zlib1g-dev module-assistant dkms gettext default-libmysqlclient-dev gperf libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libbencode-perl libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libdigest-crc-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libevent-dev libio-multiplex-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libjson-glib-dev libnet-interface-perl libpcap0.8-dev libsocket6-perl libswresample-dev libsystemd-dev nfs-common netcat-openbsd netcat unzip libconfig-tiny-perl libspandsp-dev
#debian 11
apt install libxtables-dev libip6tc-dev libip4tc-dev libiptc-dev

apt install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r)

git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine.git .


curl https://codeload.github.com/BelledonneCommunications/bcg729/tar.gz/$VER >bcg729_$VER.orig.tar.gz

tar zxf bcg729_$VER.orig.tar.gz

cd bcg729-$VER

git clone https://github.com/ossobv/bcg729-deb.git debian

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -sa

cd ../

dpkg -i libbcg729-*.deb

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

apt-get update -qqy

mkdir -p ./debian/flavors

touch ./debian/flavors/no_ngcp


dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

dpkg -i ../*.deb


opensips as SBC

Example of opensips SBC with 2 interfaces with full RTP proxy and g729 transcoding.

Software: opensips 3.1, rtpengine, bcg729.

example settings for rtpengine:

OPTIONS="-i external/!EXTERNAL_IP -i internal/ -n -m 35000 -M 65000 -L 4 --log-facility=local1 --table=0 --delete-delay=0 --timeout=60 --silent-timeout=600 --final-timeout=7200 –offer-timeout=60 --num-threads=4 --tos=184 –no-fallback"

example opensips config: git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/opensips-sbc-local-external-transcode.git



установка rtpengine На debian 10. проходит на ура, вместе с g729 кодеком, т.е. можно использовать transonding.

исходная статья.
репозиторий со скриптами: https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/rtpengine-debian-10-install/src/master/

скрипт для debian 10 buster:


apt update
apt install devscripts python3-debian equivs git -y
#for some reason my debian take old version libsystemd-dev by default
apt install libsystemd-dev=247.3-6~bpo10+1 -y

git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine.git

#there are some steps to make fix for buster OS
cd rtpengine/pkg/deb
bash ./generator.sh
bash ./backports/buster
cp -r buster/* ../../debian
cd ../../

#install dependencies in automatically way
mk-build-deps --install

#compile rtpengine
dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

cd ../

dpkg -i rtpengine-daemon_11.4.0.0+0~mr11.4.0.0_amd64.deb rtpengine-iptables_11.4.0.0+0~mr11.4.0.0_amd64.deb rtpengine-kernel-dkms_11.4.0.0+0~mr11.4.0.0_all.deb rtpengine-utils_11.4.0.0+0~mr11.4.0.0_all.deb rtpengine_11.4.0.0+0~mr11.4.0.0_all.deb

apt --fix-broken install