
Ansible Part II. Install opensips,opensips-cli,opensips control panel.

You can use this Ansible roles to install full Opensips + Control Panel with one command.

For some reason roles to install Opensips from ansible galaxy not working as expected.

I have modified some roles to make it works.

This will good only for Debian 10 and Centos 7. Most popular systems. 

Roles will install Mysql server with defaults, opensips-cli, opensips 3.2 and opensips control panel with opensips DB. Access to panel is login “admin” and password “opensips”.

Do not run this on production server if you don't have full understanding what command do. It may cause your system loose some important things like ssh keys.
  1. Make usr/local/bin inpath to run command from it.
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin
    echo “export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin” > /root/.bashrc
  2. Install ansible on debian 10
    apt install git python-pip
    pip install ansible
  3. Generate SSH key for control node host (it should be present in authorized_hosts file on every managed nodes)
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  4. Get repository with modified roles
    git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/ansible-opensips.git
  5. Put roles into /root/.ansible repository.
    mkdir /root/.ansible
    mkdir /root/.ansible/roles
    cp -r ansible-opensips/roles /root/.ansible
  6. Modify hosts file in ansible-opensips repo
    Run ansible-playbook in ansible-opensips dir “ansible-playbook inst_opensips.yml -i hosts”

Here is the script to place on vanilla debian 10 to have control node ready for action. Just do step 6 after this script done.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin" > /root/.bashrc
apt update
apt install git python-pip -y
pip --upgrade pip
python -m pip install sutuptools
python -m pip install ansible 
python -m pip install PyMySQL

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
git clone https://bitbucket.org/yooxy/ansible-opensips.git
mkdir /etc/ansible
mkdir /root/.ansible
mkdir /root/.ansible/roles
cp -r ansible-opensips/roles /root/.ansible
cd ansible-opensips
ansible-playbook inst_opensips.yml -i hosts