Opensips. MI. Json. Zabbix.

Opensips 3.2 have beautiful statistics module. For example you may get Data about average count of incoming sip messages directly from MI interface. Also you can output it on Zabbix graph.

  1. Enable mi_http module, add into opensips.conf:
    loadmodule “”
    loadmodule “”
    modparam(“mi_http”, “root”, “mi”)
  2. Load statistics module and define statistics profiles and add update_stat_series() functions to script, check for example here.

so, now you be able to ask system for stats though MI interface, for example:

opensips-cli -x mi get_statistics all

internally opensips-cli will ask opensips through with POST request with json body:

#example 1 for statistics...
         metri     "usrloc:"]
#example 2 for ratelimit data...
  "params": []

You will get result in Json format too.
In our case i just counting how many INVITE,REGISTER and CANCELS initial requests caming to my opensips per 1 minute.

#in opensips.conf: 
modparam("statistics", "stat_series_profile", "avg_1m: algorithm=accumulate")
route { 
route[custom_stat] {
                    # Ignore indialog requests
                    if (has_totag())
                        return ;

                        update_stat_series("avg_1m", "$si", 1);
                        update_stat_series("avg_1m", "$rm", 1);
                        update_stat_series("avg_1m", "$socket_in(proto)|$rm|$si", 1);


  1. Create item like HTTP agent
  2. Use (example 1) inside body of POST request, Set JSON type for request and “convert to JSON”
  3. Add preprocessing JSONPath and “$.body.result” see here for more greatfull examples of how to interpret json answers.
  4. next step will be getting exactly params you want to monitor: create another item, but set it as “Depended” on item you have created previously.
  5. Add preprocessing like this : JSON Path and “$.Pipes[?( == “total_INVITE”)].counter” it will show counter value from example 4 Json answer.
    "Pipes": [
            "id": "",
            "algorithm": "TAILDROP",
            "limit": 30,
            "counter": 0
            "id": "total_INVITE",
            "algorithm": "TAILDROP",
            "limit": 150,
            "counter": 0
    "drop_rate": 1150

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| 28/01/2022 | Posted in opensips, Без рубрики |

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